Meet Our College Advisors

The McKinney Education Foundation College Advisors are located on the three main high school campuses to provide McKinney ISD students with information and support to pursue higher education. MEF College Advisors encourage students to dream about and plan for college or trade school and guide parents through the process. Over the last seven years, MEF Advisors have helped McKinney graduates find and receive $106 million in scholarship funds! These advisors:

  • Help students locate and apply for scholarships and financial aid

  • Assist students with essays for college admission and inform English teachers in the McKinney High Schools about essay topics

  • Meet with parents to educate them about colleges and the college admissions process

  • Establish and maintain relationships with admissions and financial aid departments of colleges

  • Assist students with financial aid and FAFSA forms

Julie ferraro

McKinney Boyd High School

Julie is the College Advisor for McKinney Boyd High School and joined the McKinney Education Foundation in 2023.  

 Julie has been in education both in a private charter school and public schools as a Reading Specialist, an English teacher, a cheer coach, and soccer coach before becoming a College Advisor.  During her tenure as a College Advisor, Julie has helped students find the right college fit and earn over $20 million in scholarships, including the QuestBridge Scholarship, 40 Acres Scholarship at UT Austin, The Terry Foundation Scholarship, Eugene McDermott Scholarship, and the Hunt Scholarship to name a few.

 Julie received a Bachelor of Arts from Stephen F. Austin State University with emphasis in Mass Communication and minor in Business Communications. She later received her teaching certification and soon thereafter, earned her Master’s of Education from the University of Houston. 

She is active member of Texas Association of College Admissions Counseling (TACAC) and serves on the Communication committee, is a member of the National Association of College Admission Counseling (NACAC) and serves on the Purdue University College Advisory Board.

Sarah Bengston

mcKinney North High School

Sarah is the College Advisor for McKinney North High School and joined the McKinney Education Foundation in 2022.

 Sarah has worked in College Admissions for since 2013 and has experience assisting both incoming first-year college students and transfer students: Being the Director of Admission, Recruitment, and Enrollment at various public and private institutions in Texas. While in college admissions, she served on various admissions committees and reviewed applications for admissions (admit, deny, waitlist) and scholarship decisions. During the 2020 global pandemic, as the Director, she was part of the team that transitioned the university’s college admissions standards to Test-Optional Admissions Practices.

 As part of the McKinney Education Foundation, Sarah works with the students and families at MNHS to cultivate strong college and scholarship applications stemming from her experiences in college admissions. During her time, she has helped students obtain $21 million dollars in scholarships to pursue their future educational endeavors, including the Dell Scholarship and Terry Foundation Scholarships.

 Sarah received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a minor in History from Austin College. She later received a Master's of Education with a specialization in Higher Education and Student Mentorship from Louisiana State University. Sarah is currently a member of the National Association of College Admission Counseling (NACAC) and the Texas Association of College Admissions Counseling (TACAC). In previous years, Sarah served on various committees with TACAC and was also a member of the Dallas Admissions Regional Network (DARN).

Our College Advisors

If you have questions about scholarships or college planning, please contact the MEF Advisor on your campus:

Julie Ferraro, McKinney Boyd High School, Room: A-105

T: 469-302-3437

Sarah Bengston, M.Ed, McKinney North High School, Room: B101D