Meet Our College Advisors

The McKinney Education Foundation Advisors are located on the three main high school campuses to provide McKinney ISD students with information and support to pursue a higher education. MEF Advisors encourage students to dream about and plan for college and guide parents through the process. Over the last seven years, MEF Advisors have helped McKinney graduates find and receive $106 million in scholarship funds!

The MEF Advisors program places higher education advisors in each McKinney high school. These advisors help hundreds of students and parents each year enroll in and find funds for college. These advisors:

  • Help students locate and apply for scholarships and financial aid

  • Assist students with essays for college admission and inform English teachers in the McKinney high schools about essay topics

  • Meet with parents to educate them about colleges and the college admissions process

  • Establish and maintain relationships with admissions and financial aid departments of colleges

  • Assist students with financial aid and FAFSA forms

Julie Ferraro

McKinney Boyd High School

Sarah Bengston

mcKinney North High School

Our College Advisors

If you have questions about scholarships or college planning, please contact the MEF Advisor on your campus:

Julie Ferraro, McKinney Boyd High School, Room: A-105

T: 469-302-3437

Sarah Bengston, M.Ed, McKinney North High School, Room: B101D